We’re suuuuuuuuuper excited to release our new 7” single, out on Killer Tofu Records & FMLV Records. It features two brand new songs, limited to 300 copies on black & grey swirl vinyl. You can hear both songs on our Bandcamp page right now. The records ship out 11/15, and should be up on streaming services 11/15 as well.
side a
the beastie boys are the epitome of white mediocrity
side b
civil war lesbian realness
You can stream it here:
And order it here:
written, performed, and produced by the littlest viking
ruben jessie cortez - guitar, vocals
christopher patrick gregory - drums
david benitez - bass, synth, vocals
christopher patrick gregory - drums
david benitez - bass, synth, vocals
recorded and mixed by david benitez at the c&c music factory
mastered by jack shirley at the atomic garden
artwork by derek setzer
mastered by jack shirley at the atomic garden
artwork by derek setzer
#skinomyteeth #symphonyofdestruction #architectureofaggression #foreclosureofadream #sweatingbullets #thiswasmylife #countdowntoextinction #highspeeddirt #psychotron #captivehonour #ashesinyourmouth #newrelease #seveninch #diy #thelittlestviking #killertofurecords #thebeastieboysaretheeiptomeofwhitemediocrity